Posts Tagged ‘lorena fernandez’

Jungla at le bar

August 12, 2010

Lorena Fernandez in Jungla at Le Bar

le bar is a trendy, after work bar in downtown Buenos Aires. Right now in their upstairs section is a colective show of photographs that’s unusually good for a restaurant. It’s called JUNGLA. I went for the opening. I liked the photo above by Lorena Fernandez [as of my writing this the site does not work, hopefully that will be fixed].

Anük Torre Obeid

Apparently Barbara Eden has resurfaced in the Parana river delta.

There’s a book available that goes with the exhibit:

Jungla book

Unfortunately it cost 150 pesos [about US$38 at todays exchange rates]. To give you a sense of the size of the photo book market here a grand total of 100 were printed. Still, I was tempted to buy it for a spectacular photograph of a factory surrounded by century plants [see my previous post on agave americana]. The photo is by Guillermo Andres Romero. Unfortunately his website is en construcción.

JUNGLA’s website, however, has a pretty good overview of the exhibit and the participating photographers. The mostly seem to have day jobs in the movie industry. Also, I see more and more sites here using indexhibit, which is surely a good sign.

le bar is located at Tucuman 422 and the show is upstairs. It’s on view until September 30, 2010.